Tuesday, 4 October 2016

for $1,500, Frank became the first titled owner of a Daytona that had sat on the dealers lot nearly five years, and been deconstructed and rebuilt as a 68/69 Charger. He sold it to his brother for $700

In 1971, the dealership owner, frustrated at seeing the car every day, had his parts man check the dealer inventory for all the parts needed, and had it converted into a “regular” Charger.

The nose cone, front clip, and wing were removed. On went a proper 1969 Charger front clip, a 1968 Charger grill, and a 1969 Charger hood.

 The car was also given a fresh coat of resale red paint. No one knows what became of the original nose cone but the wing went back to the dealer where it was found to be used as a hand wheel chock for the guys in the service department.

In 1974 Frank bought it, and sold it for $700 to his kid brother 6 years later so he could buy a lawn and garden tractor.


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